The Epiphany is the feast of faith. Those of us who have already
received the faith and those who are on the path to finding it share alike in
this feast.
“Bấy giờ ngôi sao họ đã thấy ở phương
Đông lại dẫn đường cho họ đến tận nơi Hài Nhi ở, mới dừng lại. Trông thấy ngôi
sao họ mừng rỡ vô cùng. Họ vào nhà, thấy Hài Nhi với thân mẫu là bà Maria, liền
sấp mình thờ lạy Người. ” (Mt 2,9-10)
Mời bạn hãy đến, bước vào trong nhà
Ngài, thờ lạy Ngài.
Ngày nay, chúng ta không được diễm phúc bái lạy Hài Nhi Giêsu
như các Đạo Sĩ năm xưa, nhưng Người vẫn luôn có mặt trong từng ngày
sống và trên mọi nẻo đường đời chúng ta đi.
Hòa bình và hạnh phúc không thể có nếu
thiếu Hài Nhi Giêsu. Ngài là “Thái Tử của Hòa Bình”. Tách rời ra khỏi Thiên
Chúa, con người không thể tự tạo ra hòa bình được.
Today the Church celebrates Jesus being
made known to the whole world. Epiphany means "manifestation," and
the Magi represent all peoples of every language and nation who, called by God,
set out to adore Jesus. Everyone needs to bring their homage and all nations
must serve Him. After meeting with the Magi and hearing about the "newborn
King of the Jews," King Herod sent them on their way, saying, "Go and
search diligently for the child. When you have found Him, bring me word, that I
too may go and do Him homage" (Mt 2:8).
Today is the feast of St. John Neumann, the first U.S. Bishop to
be canonized a saint. He was born in Bohemia
and immigrated at age twenty-five to become a missionary to the New World. He was penniless; however, he completed his
theological studies, was ordained, and almost immediately became pastor of a
territory in northern New York.
He was appointed Bishop of Philadelphia where he erected a large number of new
parishes, began the building of the Cathedral, and especially attracted to the
diocese a number of religious orders of teaching brothers and sisters so that
soon his parochial schools increased twentyfold.St.
John also found time to write two major catechisms, as
well as a Bible history for children, and articles for newspapers and journals.
John Neumann died on this day in 1860.