Daily reflection _ a firm foundation of life

"When the storm has swept by, the wicked are gone, but the righteous stand firm forever" (Prv 10:25)
Deacon John Ruscheinsky
Isaiah speaks of God as an "everlasting rock." He is the rock of refuge and deliverance and the "rock, in whom there is no wrong" (Ps 92:15). Scripture warns us today that if we place our security in something other than God and His Kingdom, we will have to endure trials that will surely come. Jesus' parables invite us to stake our lives on the coming of His Kingdom or face consequences of being unprepared on the day of His Second Coming.
When Jesus tells the story of the builders, He most likely has the following Proverb in mind: "When the storm has swept by, the wicked are gone, but the righteous stand firm forever" (Prv 10:25). What's the significance of this story for us? The kind of foundation we build our lives upon will determine whether we can survive the storms that are sure to come. Builders usually lay their foundations when the weather and soil conditions are at their best. It takes foresight to know how a foundation will stand up against adverse conditions. Building a house on a flood plain, such as a dry riverbed, is a sure bet for disaster. 
Jesus prefaced his story with a warning, calling us to realize that we might be able to fool each other with our speech, but God cannot be deceived. He sees the heart as it truly is - with its motives, intentions, desires and choices (cf Ps 139). There is only one way in which a person's sincerity can be proved, and that is by one's practice. Fine words can never replace good deeds. Our character is revealed in the choices we make, especially when we are tested. Now, we could cheat on an exam or on our taxes, especially when it will cost us. Do we lie or cover-up when we know that disclosing the truth will cause us injury or embarrassment?  Being true is honest and reliable before God, one's neighbor and oneself. If our words can be counted on, then we will have a firm foundation in life!
During this time of Advent we need to think about how we treat others. We have to get serious about putting our faith and love into practice. We must devote more time to praying that God will help us to follow His will in our dealing with each other, listening to His words, living them and putting them into action. May Christmas be with us each and every day of our lives!
One of the great marvels of Christmas is that the Eternal Son of God did not deem divinity something to cling to, but humbled Himself to come among us as a man. He chose to be as dependent on His Father in His humanity as we should be in ours. That act of humility is the model for all of us. If we heed God's word and live according to it then we need not fear when storms assail us. God will be our Rock and our Refuge! Are our lives built upon the sure "Rock" who is Jesus Christ, and do we listen to His word as if our lives depended upon it?