Daily reflection _ God acts through us

We are called to serve others, in large ways or small - work to rectify injustice, feed the hungry, work for peace' remove greed from the hearts of all.  
Deacon John Ruscheinsky
God usually chooses to deal with people through other people. Of course He can reveal Himself directly to anyone He wishes. These two activities are the fundamental criteria for recognizing the presence of all true prophecy. God must speak, and we must listen carefully.
The greatest manifestation of God is through the humanity of Jesus. But even Jesus Himself works through the cooperation of others. We read about that today in the Gospel of Mark. Simon and Andrew call to His attention the fact that Simon's mother-in-law is ill with a fever (Cf Mk 1:30). Later, people brought those who were sick and those who were possessed by demons to Jesus in order to receive healing. God wants to act through us now. Perhaps we do not think that we are holy enough or that we are suitable instruments for Him. We should remove that thought from our minds!
In the Responsorial Psalm we acclaim, "Look to the Lord in His strength; seek to serve Him constantly" (Ps 105:4). We are called to serve others, in large ways or small - work to rectify injustice, feed the hungry, work for peace' remove greed from the hearts of all. By our deeds we show that God has been speaking, that we have been listening, and that we have gone on to act, for the journey continues!
"My sheep hear My voice, I know them, and they follow Me" (Jn 10:27).