Daily reflection _ prepare the way

What paths, in my own life, need to be made straight?
Deacon John Ruscheinsky
The following quote is fitting for today's scriptures from James Green Somerville. John the Baptist... was just the voice, not the Messiah. So everybody's calling had dignity to it and God seems to know better than we do what is in us that needs to be called forth.
John the Baptist's life was fueled by a burning passion - to point others to Christ Jesus and to the coming of His kingdom. John was filled with the Holy Spirit even from his mother's womb by Christ himself, whom Mary conceived by the Holy Spirit. Among a people unconcerned with the things of God, it was his work to awaken their interest, unsettle them from their complacency, and arouse in them enough good will to recognize and receive Jesus when he came.
In the Gospel acclamation we read these words: Prepare the way of the Lord. Make straight his paths: all flesh shall see the salvation of God.
Points to Pray and Ponder: Are you eager to hear God's word and to be changed by it? What paths, in my own life, need to be made straight?