Luke 1: 39-45
In those days Mary set out and went with haste to a
Judean town in the hill country, where she entered the house of Zechariah and
greeted Elizabeth. When Elizabeth heard Mary´s greeting, the child leaped in
her womb. And Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit and exclaimed with a
loud cry, "Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your
womb. And why has this happened to me, that the mother of my Lord comes to me?
For as soon as I heard the sound of your greeting, the child in my womb leaped
for joy. And blessed is she who believed that there would be a fulfillment of
what was spoken to her by the Lord."
* * *
Introductory Prayer: Lord, you know
the reality of my life and how much I need your grace. I believe that you love
me and desire the best for me. I, too, want to respond to your love, and thus,
with humility, I ask for your sanctifying grace. As I contemplate the wonders
you worked in Mary’s and Elizabeth’s lives, I desire to imitate their attitudes
and convictions, so that you will be able to transform my life.
Petition: Lord, make me an instrument of your grace
and peace.
1. Right to the Doorstep: After
receiving God’s messenger into her life, Mary then becomes God’s messenger to
her cousin Elizabeth. In such a short time Mary has learned so much from her
Son. She delivers Christ right to Elizabeth’s doorstep and knocks. Without
Elizabeth’s consent, Mary can go no farther. Elizabeth comprehends in an
instant that this is more than a courtesy visit. Her child, John the Baptist,
helps her to understand as he leaps for joy upon hearing Mary’s voice and
perceiving Christ’s presence. Elizabeth allows them to enter her house, and
Mary and Jesus begin to transform this family’s life. John and Elizabeth are
filled with the Holy Spirit, and Elizabeth immediately becomes an apostle and
prophet of God.
2. The Cooperation of Man and God: Mary is always
willing to help because she is so humble. Despite the fact that she is also
pregnant, she doesn’t hesitate to perform small acts of charity and help with
the ordinary chores around the house. However, Mary was also an instrument of
the Holy Spirit as she went about her work, and, as with Elizabeth, the Holy
Spirit was able to touch the hearts of others and to bring about their
transformation by instilling sanctifying grace. Have I achieved a degree of
holiness that I might also become an effective instrument of God for those
around me?
3. The Spontaneous Magnificat: The presence
of God in Mary’s and Elizabeth’s souls can be seen in two ways. First, they
both glorify God for the marvelous things he is doing in their lives: Elizabeth
praises Mary for having brought the Savior into her life and for filling her
child with the Holy Spirit even before he is born. Mary, in turn, praises God
in the beautiful prayer of the Magnificat. Second, both Elizabeth and Mary
become the first witnesses of the arrival of the Messiah. Every true encounter with
Christ necessarily leads us to become his apostles. Have I, too, encountered
Christ through prayer, the sacraments and service to my neighbor? Have I helped
others to experience God’s loving presence in their lives?
Conversation with Christ:
Lord, during this time of prayer, I want to
enter into a deeper relationship with you. I want to experience your loving
presence in the daily activities of my life. As Christmas Day approaches, I
want to grow in my love for you. I want to share this love with others by
imitating your meekness and humility. Please, do not pass by me this Christmas
without granting me at least this grace. Transform this plea, the supplication
of this beggar, into the treasure of a benefactor for others.
Resolution: Today, I will strive to share my experience of God with at least one
person I meet.