Jesus Christ will, in His own way, bring us to life everlasting. He
Are you ready to
follow Jesus Christ wherever He may lead you in life?
nothing whatever to Christ, and may He bring us all together to everlasting
life." Saint Benedict writes this at the end of his Rule for monks, dating
back to 525 AD. This is the same idea Jesus promotes in today's Gospel of Luke.
"Follow me," Jesus says. It sounds good, as one person says, but
wait, there are so many things to take care of first. Then maybe we can give
wholeheartedly to Jesus, but after we see to our responsibilities which must
come first.
Maybe the best
lesson for you and I could be this: when agreeing to follow Jesus, it's best to
look forward and don't look back and not spending a lot of time and energy
pondering what we might be sacrificing or leaving behind. Jesus Christ will, in
His own way, bring us to life everlasting. He promised!
With great faith,
Don't Look Back!