Daily reflection _ who rescues us?

Wisdom embraces the idea that we, as human beings, have an immortal nature; we are "imperishable."
Deacon John Ruscheinsky
In today's first reading from the Book of Wisdom, we hear a familiar Scripture passage as Catholics, which is frequently used in funeral Masses: "God formed man to be imperishable" (Wis 2:23). There are very few places in the Hebrew Scriptures that express so strongly a belief in an afterlife. This is one of the greatest consolations our Faith offers to those grieving the loss of family and friends. Wisdom embraces the idea that we, as human beings, have an immortal nature; we are "imperishable."
As immortal beings, we are made in the image and likeness of God our Father. However, this reading tells us that "they seemed, in view of the foolish, to be dead; and their passing away was thought an affliction...But they are in peace. For if before men, indeed, they be punished, yet is their hope full of immortality" (Wis 3:2-4). We, as believers, counter the idea that the material world alone is real. Our Faith tells us and we trust and have confidence in the knowledge that God's love for us extends beyond this short span of life.
Hope and trust can only make sense if you and I believe that our heavenly Father formed us for eternal life. This brings us the joy and confidence that marks us as Christians who depend on God's guidance. This brings us to a wholeness of body and spirit on our journey, and we will rise as Jesus has risen!
In the Responsorial Psalm we acclaim: "I will bless the Lord at all times" (Ps 34:2a). This Psalm offers us encouragement and spiritual strength as it reminds us that God is our ever-present help in need. He is near to the broken hearted and He saves those who are crushed in spirit (cf. Ps 34:19). May we open ourselves up to the intimate delight of the presence of God in our souls, and let us treasure the secret exchange of His trust and love!
Pause and take the time to ponder. Come to understand the reality that we are partakers in His life here and now, and we will share in His resurrection!
Who rescues us?