Daily reflection _ victory over death in bodily resurrection

Jesus asks us the same question. Do you and I believe in the Resurrection and in the promise of eternal life?
Deacon John Ruscheinsky
"Martyrs", Witnesses", and "Prophets," are the titles of the two mysterious symbols in the first reading. They are vindicated and raised to heaven. Resurrection, which is such an irreplaceable element in Christian belief, was not accepted by religious leaders of Jesus' time. In our day, too, many are challenge to think that the Resurrection sounds so much like a fairy tale story that they share the Sadducees' concentration on this life and regard the Resurrection as wishful thinking. Some seem to think it detracts from the energy and dedication we should give to this present life. But no matter how much we try to live well in the present life, the sad fact remains that many elements of this present time are not simply unsatisfactory, but downright impossible for some people.
All this is confirmed in today's Gospel. The Sadducees come to Jesus with a test, a question, to make the Resurrection look ridiculous. Their religion is literally grounded in an earthly image of heaven. Jesus retorts by dealing with the fact of the Resurrection. We are given proof of it throughout the Scriptures. In Exodus 3:6, God manifests His presence to Moses in the burning bush and the Lord tells him that He is the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. He shows that the patriarchs who died hundreds of years previously were still alive in our heavenly Father.
Jesus defeats their arguments by showing that God is a living God of a living people. God was the friend of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob when they lived. That friendship could not cease with death. The ultimate proof of the Resurrection is Jesus Christ and His victory over death when He rose from the tomb. Before Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead, He exclaimed, "I am the Resurrection and the life. Do you believe this?" Jesus asks us the same question. Do you and I believe in the Resurrection and in the promise of eternal life?