Daily reflection _ praises be sung

When you and I cannot see the Resurrection, we need to work at putting ourselves in a better state and pray that our heavenly Father will raise us up from our desolation.  
Deacon John Ruscheinsky
The vision from the Book of Revelation is very specific and centered on the Redeemer, on Jesus Christ who has won the victory over sin and death. He is pictured alternately and even simultaneously as a lion and a lamb. The standing "lamb" is the Risen Christ, while He also appears as one who had been slain. The mystery by which we are saved is the death and Resurrection of Jesus. His death and Resurrection - suffering and victory - are about the purpose of His life and our own lives as we are connected to Him. We are partners in human life!
At times, the suffering and death aspect of human life can be so oppressively real that it is hard even to remember the Resurrection, let alone hope for it. With Jesus, we, as His followers and as human beings, must also go through a feeling of abandonment. Oftentimes, we might repeat the same words that were on the lips of Jesus, "My God, My God, why have You forsaken me?" Pain and even despair must at times be allowed space. When you and I cannot see the Resurrection, we need to work at putting ourselves in a better state and pray that our heavenly Father will raise us up from our desolation. That is one of the great lessons of the Passion of our Lord.
Let us reflect, today, on how God has shared our suffering... and overcome it!
Again, focus on the vision that shows the Lamb who had been slain as standing in heaven. This posture of standing is a sign of His Resurrection. He is pictured not as lying in the repose of death but as standing in the fullness of life. The message to us Christians is to take heart and do not be discouraged. You too will share in the resurrection and enjoy the fullness of life!