The symbolism
contained in the Book of Revelation focuses on demonstrating that God will
triumph; we are to trust and be faithful. Everything good in our universe, from
the first pages of Genesis till now, is God's gift and despite human resistance
and the power that sin can bring to us, the gracious and giving character of
God will win out. Here and now, today, this vision of God's replacement for the
corrupt and harsh things of this world should reinvigorate our hope in the face
of present sorrows and difficulties in our lives. They will pass, Revelation
tells us. God says that the struggles and weariness that we at times face in
family difficulties, ill health, and tragedy, will not be allowed to endure.
In the Responsorial
Psalm we acclaim, "Here God lives among His people" (Rv 21:3b), if
our soul yearns and our heart cries out to Him. Today's Gospel assures us the
"budding" of God's Kingdom begins first in the hearts of us who are
receptive to God's word. If we trust in His word, it will bear the fruits of
His goodness. God's ways are righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy
Our God gives us
signs, not only to "wake us up", but also to "rouse our
spirits" to be ready and eager to receive His Kingdom when He comes in all
His glory. Jesus comes daily and frequently to us who long for Him and He
speaks tenderly to our hearts like a lover who whispers in our ear, for He is
the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end of all history, the Lord of
all creation. May we always put our joyful hope and assurance in Him!