We read in the Book of
Sirach that the power of our heavenly Father often walks with us "as a
stranger". We need to learn to welcome the stranger!
Jesus Christ calls Himself "the Way, the
Truth, and the Life" (Jn 14:6). In today's Gospel of Mark, Jesus speaks
about those who act "In My name." By this, He is referring to all who
act with love and justice, for He embodies them to the fullest. Jesus is the
wisdom of our heavenly Father, Whose ways are not our ways, and Whose thoughts
are not our thoughts (cf Is 55:8). How important it is then - infinitely and
eternally important - to check our views of love and justice, our ways and our
wisdom, to see how they conform to God's. It is ultimately important to act in
the name of Jesus daily. Our faith and loyalty must be in Him!
We hear Jesus' reply back to John, "Do
not prevent him. There is no one who performs a mighty deed in My name who can
at the same time speak ill of Me. For whoever is not against us is for us"
(Mk 9:39 - 40). Remember, as Christians, we have been baptized in Jesus' name,
but that name does not belong to us. We do not have exclusive rights to the
wisdom and power of God revealed in Jesus Christ. We read in the Book of Sirach
that the power of our heavenly Father often walks with us "as a
stranger". We need to learn to welcome the stranger!
We pray with today's Psalm: "O Lord,
great peace have they who love Your law (Ps 119:165a). As Jesus told us, it is
all accomplished in His name, for He is "the Way, the Truth, and the
Do we question our loyalty and to whom it
should go to?