Paul's wisdom presents Christ Jesus as the sure
foundation on which to build a life that is whole, healthy, helpful and
meaningful. This brings a bright and grace-filled future for self and others.
Deacon John Ruscheinsky
The addict says: I'm an alcoholic, I'm a sex addict, I'm addicted to
gambling, and list goes on. Many of those who are addicts know that some
behaviors are extremely difficult if not impossible to change. So when one
hears the beatitudes and woes in the Gospel today and St. Paul's exhortations
to "put to death" a long string of ignoble behaviors, one might say,
"Fine, I really want to sign on, but how to get started and do it?" Some
even cry out, "please tell me how?" Recovering addicts know a few
simple steps. Admit the problem. Sincerely desire to change. Place enormous
trust in outside help, knowing that going alone had proven unsuccessful. Where
is this outside help? Paul lays the foundation in the first two chapters in his
letter to the Colossians, speaking of Christ Jesus and his humble belief in,
trust in, and submission to our heavenly Father. Jesus's example means we need
to go on our knees and ask God's loving power. God sends us the support of
other people in each one's community. They are like God's little angels sent to
us at the right moment of our lives.
Paul's wisdom presents Christ Jesus as the sure foundation on which to
build a life that is whole, healthy, helpful and meaningful. This brings a
bright and grace-filled future for self and others.
Mother Theresa wrote and lived a Life of Faith. Her words, if we listen
to them and also live by them will help us on our journey in life and faith as
When I am hungry, send me someone who
needs food.
When I am thirsty, send me someone
who needs drink.
When I am cold, send me someone to be
When I am distressed, send me someone to console.
When my cross is becoming heavy, send
me someone with whom to share his cross.
When I am poor, lead me to someone in
When I have no time left, send me
someone whom I might help for a few moments.
When I am humiliated, help me to find someone to encourage.
When I am discouraged, send me
someone to encourage.
When I need to be understood by
others, send me someone who needs my understanding.
When I need to be cared for, send me
someone to care for.
When I only think of myself, attract my attention to someone else.