Where does your
life intersect with Jesus Christ right now?
Cross brings us face to face with Jesus Christ's suffering. Abbot Rupert of
Deutz wrote in the early twelfth century, "The Cross of Christ is the door
to heaven, the key to paradise, the downfall of the devil, the uplifting of
mankind, the consolation of our imprisonment, the prize for our freedom."
The Cross of Christ is the safeguard of our Faith, the assurance of Hope, and
the throne of Love. It is also the sign of our heavenly Father's mercy and the
gift of forgiveness. Jesus paid a price for us when He made atonement for our
sins. The journey is a way to peace, joy, and righteousness in God's Kingdom.
It is also the way to victory over sin, fear, defeat, and death itself. But
still, we suffer through some tough stuff that can cause dark moments in our
exuberance of Jesus' entrance into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday matches our
feelings when we are surrounded by friends and family, and life is good. Then,
Good Friday comes and something dies; a relationship, a job, a dream. We wander
around in a dark place for a time. Fortunately, we know the rest of the story;
we know it doesn't end there. New beginnings always bring new life, which
ultimately proceed from death.
does your life intersect with Jesus Christ right now? Who are you looking
for" (Jn 20:15a)?