Daily reflection _ wed. week 11 ordinary time

Some of the most admired and sought after people in our society are movie and television stars. In many instances this is really a personality cult, not an appreciation of acting ability, since a number of the most popular stars really play themselves no matter what role they may have been assigned. But every actor, in his role, performs in order to be seen and heard by an audience. An actor without an audience is like a baseball pitcher without a catcher.
Acting is just the opposite of what Jesus wants from us. As Christians, we do not perform for an audience in order to be seen and heard. We should not have the motive of drawing fans to ourselves who will applaud us, ask for our autograph, and pay us homage. The Christian life is not an onstage performance.
Jesus gives three examples from today's Gospel of Matthew. Christian acts should not be done as though one is shining the light of publicity toward oneself. Rather, we perform by giving alms, praying, and fasting. These examples are not exhaustive. They are meant to bring home the point of not doing anything to seek the admiration of others. Actually, very few people will brag directly about how generous they are, or how hard they pray, or how much mortification they practice. More often, it seems to me, we are tempted to let others know subtly how much work we do, how tough life is for us, or how busy we really are.
In St. Paul's Letter to the Corinthians we here these words, "He who sows bountifully will reap bountifully" (2 Cor. 9:6).  All who believe in Jesus are charged to share their faith with others. Let us sow these seeds bountifully and widely, freely and frequently, whether in casual conversations at work, with neighbors, or with family. Let's do so confident of a bountiful harvest! 
This is confirmed in today's first reading. Elijah was thought of as having epitomized the prophetic office in Israel. A prophet was the representative of God - one who spoke and acted in His Name. For a great period of time God dealt with His people through them. Our heavenly Father can act in any way He chooses, but for the most part He still wishes to communicate His truth and love through us, His children. The Psalmist prays in today's Responsorial Psalm, "Let your hearts take comfort, all who hope in the Lord" (Ps. 31:25). How great is His goodness! For our heavenly Father is a lavish Giver! 
As Christians, we are all called to share our faith with others! And I believe most people give of themselves to help our community and our loved ones. We do this because of the love and faith we have in God, our Father. We do not need an audience! The only thing that matters is what God knows about us.