Daily Reflection _ VIP'S

In a department store, the person who is well dressed is usually the one who will get waited on before people who appear to be less affluent. But it is not that way with God. The label "VIP" - Very Important Person - applies only to those who are considered to be prominent in society. But it is not that way with our heavenly Father. You will never find God running after prominent citizens to get a picture taken with them or to get their autograph.
A question we may want to ask ourselves today is, "Where does true wisdom lie?" Many of us would probably respond that true wisdom consists in acquiring great wealth, having a prominent reputation, and in being popular. Today's readings, however, suggest a different set of values. In the first reading St. Paul states quite strongly that not many of his Corinthian converts were wise by human standards, but that God chose the weak and foolish of the world to shame the wise. It was Christ Jesus Who became for them wisdom from His heavenly Father. In the Gospel of Matthew, contrast the first two servants with the third. The first two he perceives to be genuinely wise because they invest their talents entrusted to them and double the income for their master. Unfortunately the third servant reveals no wisdom at all by burying the one talent he had been given. Both these Scripture readings suggest that genuine wisdom lies in providing for others and in looking beyond oneself in order to address the needs of others.
We need to have this approach by adopting the Gospel standards so perfectly illustrated in the very life and ministry of Jesus. The parable today makes the point that we must use well the talents we have been given. The reason for that - the principal lesson - is because the talents come freely from God. Notice that the man called in his servants and handed his funds over to them. This was not a payment; it was a gift. Forgetting from whom the gift came is the biggest mistake we can make.
In today's Responsorial Psalm we acclaim, "Blessed the people the Lord has chosen to be His own" (Ps 33:12). Blessed are we that see, that our souls wait in Him, and our hearts rejoice. God has given us the greatest gift possible; life in Jesus Christ Whom He has made our wisdom, our justice, and our redemption.
In God's sight we are all VIP's.